Sunday, February 10, 2008

a toddler dinner party...

so what does a dinner party with three busy toddlers entail? alot of pasta, toy sharing, jumping on beds, and the inevitable bedtime meltdown! this group of parents and babies have been getting together for a long while now and tonight jen and jim were the gracious hosts. it was a good time had by all, though we are not sure that poor jen ever got to actually eat her dinner. as you can see from the (not so focused) photos, the little ones had a grand time and even got to eat at their own table. not that they actually consumed much food. there were far more interesting things to get into apparently! enjoy!
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  1. Cute! I recognize your little models.

  2. What a fun time!!!!! Wish you had
    made a video. It is so much fun to
    see how much Bennett and Willow have changed, as well as Isa. Keep the pictures coming. Love you all.

  3. I'm sure that was a nice, quiet, relaxing meal :) It definitely looks like fun though!

  4. Hope you and they have many more! Great pics... I'm with Nanny ! I can see Willow changing a lot! Friends are great to have!
