Thursday, April 16, 2009

flashback, a day early.

how about a thursday flashback, with lots of summer and greenery and muddy cuteness? for the sake of my sanity, please! why the drama you ask? because it's dumping snow outside. and i am so over it. granted, april and may can be the biggest snow months of the year, i do know that, but it doesn't make me any less tired of it by the time mid-april rolls around. the initial forecast said one to three feet in town. now it's been scaled back a bit. but honestly, there isn't much difference (in my head) between one feet or five feet. it's still snow!

breathe in, breathe out. before we know it, the grass will be green and the flowers will be blooming. and hopefully there will be a newly fenced back yard and a new deck too. but more on that later. for now, think happy, warm thoughts for us would you.
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  1. Hang in there for 9 more days. Then you can trade white snow for white sand. It was almost 80 today. Can't wait to see you all. XOXOXO

  2. OMG! Yes, I saw it on the news ! Cozy up everyone and watch a movie... ignore the white stuff... it will go away. love you lots xoxoxoxo
