we're a bunch of busy little bees around here. where to even begin? for starters, isa has two molars that are still giving her fits. and it ain't pretty. hence the lack of pictures recently. the photogenic moments are not exactly overflowing around here as of late!
and there are wholesale orders to finish (hopefully the last wholesale order for a long while) and retail orders to get out. the christmas rush seems to have hit early this year, and while i am definately not complaining, it is keeping me on my toes.
and since we are apparently gluttons for punishment, the bathroom destruction (and renovation!) begins this weekend too! phil and our friend curtis will be ripping everything out and basically starting from scratch... new tub, new shower, new sink, medicine cabinet, toilet, tile floors, fixtures, fan, maybe even drywall. the only thing that will remain of that nasty ole bathroom will be the window! and as if that weren't enough? the new cabinets and countertops have been ordered for the kitchen as well, in addition to the saltillo tile that will continue out from the bathroom. phew. makes me tired just reading it.
all that renovation is on a tight schedule, being that the bambino in the belly is getting bigger and bigger. only about 11 weeks to go! speaking of which, we just learned that we got an ultrasound appointment for tomorrow. this is quite the surprise, since last time it took almost a month to get in for one. so who knows, this time tomorrow we just might find out what we're having! rest assured there will be an update here as soon as we know ;-)
I have to "hand it to you" for tackling such a huge job, given
ReplyDeleteall that is going on. However, it will be worth every dusty, grimy,
minute of the project. Can't wait to get out there in December and see it all...not to mention the
little one. Love and miss you all.
Good luck with the renovation, sounds like you will be tied to the house for a few weeks! It will be so worth it when you are done! Glad to have my electric back now... never thought I'd say I lost my electric in hurricanic winds...lol so glad to have website back too... am drooling over pics.. love it love it love it. Cute new pack n play ! Oh, well, one day at a time with Isa.love you all.... xoxo thx for checking on us Phil...love you