Saturday, April 18, 2009

new roo

yep, pretty sure you'd be hard pressed to find a happier, cuter baby than miss sylvi at the moment. so what if i'm partial?
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  1. Roo, where did you get your fancy new play seat? Looks like you are pretty thrilled with it. Your mom is right...can't get much buter pictures than these. Hope you stay well and help Goosey get better. I love and miss you both...7 more days!!!!!!

  2. Oh, the joy you show in that face! Looks sort of like me when I was a little girl! I love the laughter shots! Wtg Smiley Sylvi ! xoxoxoxo

  3. funny you should say that gramma! i am actually seeing alot of phil's side of the family in sylvi lately... something about the shape of her face and eyes reminds me of you all :)

    as for her new play station... yeah, i think i swore i'd nevre buy a big piece of plastic like that. oh well.

  4. NEVER SAY NEVER when it comes to'll end of eating your words.
