Wednesday, December 3, 2008

sister = presents

this is how isa has come to see her sister's arrival... presents all around! we've tried to make sure that isa doesn't feel left out in the all of this gifting, but at the same time we don't want her to think that every day means more gifts! we'll see how that works out in a few weeks. here is a funny video of isa opening one of these gifts from her grandparents. as you can see, she's pretty excited about her big girl sockmonkey sheets! enjoy!


  1. OH MY GOSH. I have already watched this 5 times!!!! I can't believe how well she is talking now. No doubt she was thrilled with her new sheets. I imagine they are already on her bed for tonight. Sleep well Goosey and your monkey
    friends. I wuv you.

  2. How cute is that. I think the highlight would have to be, "Say thank you, Isa"...."Thank you Isa!" Gees, she is getting so big!

  3. Soooo glad Isa likes the sheets. She is talking soooo well! Even recognized them as sheets right away ... smart kid! Great video...thanks a lot.
    Sweet "monkey" dreams to Isa...
    Hugs and kisses...

  4. I sure want some of those sheets -- they are too cute! Isa is absolutely adorable!

  5. I loved that she recognized that they were sheets. What a smart girl!

  6. She looks like such a big sister! What a cutie pie!
