Thursday, November 1, 2007

the halloween wrap up...

well, that was anti-climatic. lets hope that isa's halloween, or lack there of, does not send her to the therapist's couch later in life. we are banking on making it up to her on future occasions.

we are still sick. i don't remember having a cold that was this miserable for a week... i mean, sure they stick around. but normally it's pretty bad for a day or two then it gets better and then before you know it, the cold is gone. but not this booger. so, need less to say, we did not go the planned halloween playdate in the park, or trick or treating. boo. hoo. although isa did wear her duck costume around the house all afternoon, repeating yelling "kack, kack." which in my benadryl induced stupor i finally realized meant, "quack, quack." she was a duck afterall!

we had a few trick or treaters as well. and just the right amount of candy (i.e. no left overs to gourge ourselves on today). but 7 of 10 of the "kids" knocking on the door were atleast 16 years old. what's up with that? i remember going door to door on halloween as a teenager collecting money for unicef but i surely don't remember begging for candy. luckily the last batch of actual children were redeeming and well under 16 years old. and they took the very last snickers :-)


  1. Just know that she has many more
    Halloweens to participate in. Clip
    the little "wings" off of her ducky costume and it will make nice warm pj's for the winter. Hope you all get to feeling better
    REAL soon. "Kack Kack", Isa. I love you, Goosey!!!!!

  2. Awww so sorry you are under the weather still. Take your time and be good to you.. extra C - ya know? Halloween was great here - lots of new kids in the hood! Saw some kids close to Isa's age, they were sooo cute. I'm happy to say I scared no one... love to all!xoxox
