Saturday, June 9, 2007

Good Morning Goose

So, what does a typical morning with Miss Baby (aka: the Goose) entail? It's usually pretty entertaining and this morning the Mommy thought it'd be fun to share. These days Isa wakes up around 7am, which seems luxuriously late after her previous 5am wake up habit. Little Goose sounds can heard from her room... soft squeaks and the occassional "daaaddadada." So the Daddy goes in and brings her back to the big bed, where she proceeds to eat, snuggle, and play until we motivate to actually get up. Her new morning entertainment is something we call the "paci game" (clever title for it huh?) and it's enough fun to get all of us laughing, even before the Mommy has had her coffee-- so, it must be pretty funny. The paci game involves Isa diving for her pacifier, which could be buried under a pillow or rolled up in the sheets, and proudly displaying it in her little hand. Then she proceeds to put the pacifier in our mouths, instead of her own, in a small but apparently hilarious gesture of sharing. It absolutely cracks her up. Getting us to take the paci is the epitome of entertainment for her so early in the morning. And of course, taking the paci back and putting it in her own mouth is equally enjoyable. After we've played this game for a while Miss Baby becomes antsy to get up and going, so the two grown ups grumble a little, roll out of bed and slump into the kitchen for the cheerios.
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  1. Ahh yes, things could be much worse than having your Mom and Dad have your paci in their

    Such a wonderful way to start the day...

  2. LOL we have a similar morning routine. What is it about the paci?
