Saturday, June 16, 2007

To the park!

Ahhh, Friday. Thank goodness. We like Fridays around here, especially when the Daddy takes the day off work (after spending a few days out of town this week). And while this Friday wasn't exactly the most relaxing, it sure was alot of fun. We celebrated with a trip to the park in the morning and a trip to the pool in the afternoon. Going to the park with Isa is so much fun these days, for many reasons, but mostly because the soft grass gives her a boost of confidence with her standing skills. Hardwood floors? Not so much. Thick, soft grass... the girl could stand by herself all day long. Ok, not really, but she really does show off her tricks. Yesterday she was so enthralled with the goings on around her that she would stand and look around, nibble on a snack, chew on her dress, even turn to look behind her... all while standing unsupported. You could just see the wheels turning in her head, as she would occasionally look down at her feet, as if she was mustering the mental energy to pick one of them up and take a step forward. And then all that thinking would get the best of her and she'd sit right back down on her well-padded bottom. It was a nice thought though, huh Isa?
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