Tuesday, June 2, 2009

bye bye pacifier!

today is a VERY special day in isa's world. she got up from her afternoon nap and announced that she was ready to give her pacis to the fishies. to preface: i mentioned to her about a month ago that one day, whenever she was ready, we would give her pacis to the fishies (that's why fish have those funny faces you see-- because they need a pacifier). we never brought it up again until isa mentioned it last night at bedtime and then again today. so we decided to roll with it, hoping that she would really be ok with giving them up. i explained that if we gave them to the fishies then we would not have them anymore-- not even at bedtime. she said she was ok with this and so off to the river we went.

as you can see from the pictures, it was a family event! for the record, only one or two actually made it to the river (eco warriors, zip it! we made an exception here!) lest anyone be too worried about plastic floating downstream!

so far, so good with the reality of giving them away. being that she is known for her strong will, i am sure there will be some asking (and probably a fit or two) regarding their loss. but here's hoping it will be a quick transition!


  1. Wow! That is great! I wish we were somewhere near that point. Isa you are such a big girl!
    Jen (2inA)

  2. Isa, I can't tell you how proud I am of you for giving your pacifiers to the fish. What a kind and brave thing to do. Mommy, tell Isa that Nanny is going to send her a special surprise when she gets home. Isa, when you "miss" your paci, just think about how happy those little fishies are and how much they say "THANK YOU"!!!!!!
