Thursday, February 24, 2011

who needs tv?

the deer are providing us with alot of entertainment these days. it's the same family that has been hanging out in the front and side yards all winter, but now they've made themselves at home around back. there are anywhere from 3 to 6 at a given time-- two babies, a few does, and a spike with broken antlers. they are usually hanging out in the backyard every morning and it looks like they must be bedding down there are night. so far they are keeping their distance, which is how we'd like to keep it (with the exception of coming up on the front porch and eating the plants!). occasionally we've had to run them off from the yard when the girls want to play on the swingset, but it's nice that they provide good entertainment for two sleepy heads each morning!
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  1. I never quite getting excited when I was out there and would see them in the cool.

  2. Deerly beloved! Glad the girls get to see wildlife all the time!
