Wednesday, December 23, 2009


in our short little time away from the blog, sylvi has made some big progress. as you can see here, she clearly knows her alphabet and has started writing names and words on her own. ok, maybe not... but... she does love to color! it's actually a useful little past time, as it will occupy her for a few minutes when i need to keep her contained and content. contained you may be thinking? yes, as in immobile. she is officially walking now (and still crawls really stinkin' fast when she's on a mission) so if there is ever a need to keep her out of trouble, a good pen and paper will usually do the trick! more on that walking thing soon!
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  1. "Making a list, checking it twice"...
    Congrats on the drawing AND walking sweet Sylvi and thanks to mommy for the great picture post. They are THE BEST Christmas present I could get. Love and hugs to all.

  2. I told you that the girl was going to be a writer... with a name like hers, she can't help but be a novelist! lol... look at her little pinky out in the air.. the girl has FLAIR ! ! ! Thanks for the pics again! Love you all ! xoxoxoxoxoxo
